Comandos de referencia

[root@groucho root]# smbldap-useradd -?
(c) IDEALX 2004 ( Licenced under GPL
Usage: /usr/local/sbin/smbldap-useradd [-awmugdsckABCDEFGHMNPST?] username
  -o    add the user in the organazional unit (relative to the user suffix)
  -a    is a Windows User (otherwise, Posix stuff only)
  -w    is a Windows Workstation (otherwise, Posix stuff only)
  -i    is a trust account (Windows Workstation)
  -u    uid
  -g    gid
  -G    supplementary comma-separated groups
  -n    do not create a group
  -d    home
  -s    shell
  -c    gecos
  -m    creates home directory and copies /etc/skel
  -k    skeleton dir (with -m)
  -P    ends by invoking smbldap-passwd
  -A    can change password ? 0 if no, 1 if yes
  -B    must change password ? 0 if no, 1 if yes
  -C    sambaHomePath (SMB home share, like '\\PDC-SRV\homes')
  -D    sambaHomeDrive (letter associated with home share, like 'H:')
  -E    sambaLogonScript (DOS script to execute on login)
  -F    sambaProfilePath (profile directory, like '\\PDC-SRV\profiles\foo')
  -H    sambaAcctFlags (samba account control bits like '[NDHTUMWSLKI]')
  -N    canonical name
  -S    surname
  -M    local mailAddress (comma seperated)
  -T    mailToAddress (forward address) (comma seperated)
  -?    show this help message
[root@groucho root]# smbldap-userdel -?
(c) IDEALX 2004 ( Licenced under GPL
Usage: /usr/local/sbin/smbldap-userdel [-r?] username
  -r    remove home directory
  -R    remove home directory interactively
[root@groucho root]# smbldap-groupadd -?
(c) IDEALX 2004 ( Licenced under GPL
Usage: /usr/local/sbin/smbldap-groupadd [-agorst?] groupname
  -a   add automatic group mapping entry
  -g   gid
  -o   gid is not unique
  -r   group-rid
  -s   group-sid
  -t   group-type
  -p   print the gidNumber to stdout
  -?   show this help message
[root@groucho root]# smbldap-populate -?
(c) IDEALX 2004 ( Licenced under GPL
Usage: /usr/local/sbin/smbldap-populate [-abeiug?] [ldif]
  -u uidNumber first uidNumber to allocate (default: 1000)
  -g gidNumber first uidNumber to allocate (default: 1000)
  -a user       administrator login name (default: Administrator)
  -g user       guest login name (default: nobody)
  -e file       export ldif file
  -i file       import ldif file
  -?            show this help message
Este comando se encarga de manejar la base de datos SAM:

[root@groucho root]# pdbedit -?
Usage: [OPTION...]
  -L, --list                         list all users
  -v, --verbose                      be verbose
  -w, --smbpasswd-style              give output in smbpasswd style
  -u, --user=USER                    use username
  -f, --fullname=STRING              set full name
  -h, --homedir=STRING               set home directory
  -D, --drive=STRING                 set home drive
  -S, --script=STRING                set logon script
  -p, --profile=STRING               set profile path
  -U, --user SID=STRING              set user SID or RID
  -G, --group SID=STRING             set group SID or RID
  -a, --create                       create user
  -r, --modify                       modify user
  -m, --machine                      account is a machine account
  -x, --delete                       delete user
  -b, --backend=STRING               use different passdb backend as default
  -i, --import=STRING                import user accounts from this backend
  -e, --export=STRING                export user accounts to this backend
  -g, --group                        use -i and -e for groups
  -P, --account-policy=STRING        value of an account policy (like maximum
                                     password age)
  -C, --value=LONG                   set the account policy to this value
  -c, --account-control=STRING       Values of account control
  --force-initialized-passwords      Force initialization of corrupt password
                                     strings in a passdb backend
  -z, --bad-password-count-reset     reset bad password count
  -Z, --logon-hours-reset            reset logon hours
El comando net es una herramienta de administración de Samba y servidores
remotos CIFS.

[root@groucho root]# net -h
No command: net
  net time              to view or set time information
  net lookup            to lookup host name or ip address
  net user              to manage users
  net group             to manage groups
  net groupmap          to manage group mappings
  net join              to join a domain
  net cache             to operate on cache tdb file
  net getlocalsid [NAME]        to get the SID for local name
  net setlocalsid SID   to set the local domain SID
  net changesecretpw    to change the machine password in the local secrets 
database only
                        this requires the -f flag as a safety barrier
  net status            Show server status
  net ads <command>     to run ADS commands
  net rap <command>     to run RAP (pre-RPC) commands
  net rpc <command>     to run RPC commands
Type "net help <option>" to get more information on that option
Valid targets: choose one (none defaults to localhost)
        -S or --server=<server>         server name
        -I or --ipaddress=<ipaddr>      address of target server
        -w or --workgroup=<wg>          target workgroup or domain
Valid miscellaneous options are:
        -p or --port=<port>             connection port on target
        -W or --myworkgroup=<wg>        client workgroup
        -d or --debuglevel=<level>      debug level (0-10)
        -n or --myname=<name>           client name
        -U or --user=<name>             user name
        -s or --configfile=<path>       pathname of smb.conf file
        -l or --long                    Display full information
        -V or --version                 Print samba version information
        -P or --machine-pass            Authenticate as machine account