SMTPD(8)                                                              SMTPD(8)

       smtpd - Postfix SMTP server

       smtpd [generic Postfix daemon options]

       The  SMTP  server  accepts network connection requests and
       performs zero or more SMTP  transactions  per  connection.
       Each received message is piped through the cleanup(8) dae-
       mon, and is placed into the incoming queue as  one  single
       queue  file.   For  this  mode  of  operation, the program
       expects to be run from the master(8) process manager.

       Alternatively, the SMTP server takes an  established  con-
       nection  on  standard input and deposits messages directly
       into the maildrop queue.  In  this  so-called  stand-alone
       mode,  the SMTP server can accept mail even while the mail
       system is not running.

       The SMTP server implements a variety of policies for  con-
       nection  requests, and for parameters given to HELO, ETRN,
       MAIL FROM, VRFY and RCPT TO commands.  They  are  detailed
       below and in the configuration file.

       The SMTP server is moderately security-sensitive. It talks
       to SMTP clients and to DNS servers  on  the  network.  The
       SMTP server can be run chrooted at fixed low privilege.

       RFC 821 (SMTP protocol)
       RFC 1123 (Host requirements)
       RFC 1652 (8bit-MIME transport)
       RFC 1869 (SMTP service extensions)
       RFC 1870 (Message Size Declaration)
       RFC 1985 (ETRN command)
       RFC 2554 (AUTH command)
       RFC 2821 (SMTP protocol)
       RFC 2920 (SMTP Pipelining)
       RFC 3207 (STARTTLS command)

       Problems and transactions are logged to syslogd(8).

       Depending  on the setting of the notify_classes parameter,
       the postmaster is notified of bounces, protocol  problems,
       policy violations, and of other trouble.

       Changes   to  are  picked  up  automatically,  as
       smtpd(8) processes run for only a limited amount of  time.
       Use the command "postfix reload" to speed up a change.

       The  text  below  provides  only  a parameter summary. See
       postconf(5) for more details including examples.

       The following parameters work around implementation errors
       in  other software, and/or allow you to override standards
       in order to prevent undesirable use.

       broken_sasl_auth_clients (no)
              Enable inter-operability  with  SMTP  clients  that
              implement  an  obsolete version of the AUTH command
              (RFC 2554).

       disable_vrfy_command (no)
              Disable the SMTP VRFY command.

       smtpd_noop_commands (empty)
              List of  commands  that  the  Postfix  SMTP  server
              replies  to with "250 Ok", without doing any syntax
              checks and without changing state.

       strict_rfc821_envelopes (no)
              Require that addresses received in SMTP  MAIL  FROM
              and RCPT TO commands are enclosed with <>, and that
              those addresses do not contain RFC 822  style  com-
              ments or phrases.

       Available in Postfix version 2.1 and later:

       resolve_null_domain (no)
              Resolve an address that ends in the "@" null domain
              as if the local hostname were specified, instead of
              rejecting the address as invalid.

       smtpd_reject_unlisted_sender (no)
              Request  that  the Postfix SMTP server rejects mail
              from  unknown  sender  addresses,  even   when   no
              explicit  reject_unlisted_sender access restriction
              is specified.

       smtpd_sasl_exceptions_networks (empty)
              What SMTP clients Postfix will not offer AUTH  sup-
              port to.

       Available in Postfix version 2.2 and later:

       smtpd_discard_ehlo_keyword_address_maps (empty)
              Lookup  tables,  indexed  by the remote SMTP client
              address, with case insensitive lists of  EHLO  key-
              words  (pipelining,  starttls, auth, etc.) that the
              SMTP server will not send in the EHLO response to a
              remote SMTP client.

       smtpd_discard_ehlo_keywords (empty)
              A  case insensitive list of EHLO keywords (pipelin-
              ing, starttls, auth, etc.)  that  the  SMTP  server
              will not send in the EHLO response to a remote SMTP

       See the ADDRESS_REWRITING_README document for  a  detailed
       discussion of Postfix address rewriting.

       receive_override_options (empty)
              Enable  or  disable  recipient validation, built-in
              content filtering, or address mapping.

       Available in Postfix version 2.2 and later:

       local_header_rewrite_clients (permit_inet_interfaces)
              Rewrite message header addresses in mail from these
              clients  and  update  incomplete addresses with the
              domain name in $myorigin or $mydomain; either don't
              rewrite  message headers from other clients at all,
              or rewrite message headers  and  update  incomplete
              addresses   with   the   domain  specified  in  the
              remote_header_rewrite_domain parameter.

       As of version 1.0, Postfix can be configured to  send  new
       mail  to  an  external  content  filter  AFTER the mail is
       queued. This content filter is  expected  to  inject  mail
       back  into  a (Postfix or other) MTA for further delivery.
       See the FILTER_README document for details.

       content_filter (empty)
              The name of a mail delivery transport that  filters
              mail after it is queued.

       As  of version 2.1, the Postfix SMTP server can be config-
       ured to send incoming mail to a real-time SMTP-based  con-
       tent filter BEFORE mail is queued.  This content filter is
       expected to  inject  mail  back  into  Postfix.   See  the
       SMTPD_PROXY_README  document for details on how to config-
       ure and operate this feature.

       smtpd_proxy_filter (empty)
              The hostname and TCP port  of  the  mail  filtering
              proxy server.

       smtpd_proxy_ehlo ($myhostname)
              How the Postfix SMTP server announces itself to the
              proxy filter.

       smtpd_proxy_timeout (100s)
              The time limit for connecting to a proxy filter and
              for sending or receiving information.

       The  following parameters are applicable for both built-in
       and external content filters.

       Available in Postfix version 2.1 and later:

       receive_override_options (empty)
              Enable or disable  recipient  validation,  built-in
              content filtering, or address mapping.

       The  following  parameters are applicable for both before-
       queue and after-queue content filtering.

       Available in Postfix version 2.1 and later:

       smtpd_authorized_xforward_hosts (empty)
              What SMTP clients are allowed to use  the  XFORWARD

       Postfix  SASL  support (RFC 2554) can be used to authenti-
       cate remote SMTP clients to the Postfix SMTP  server,  and
       to  authenticate  the Postfix SMTP client to a remote SMTP
       server.  See the SASL_README document for details.

       broken_sasl_auth_clients (no)
              Enable inter-operability  with  SMTP  clients  that
              implement  an  obsolete version of the AUTH command
              (RFC 2554).

       smtpd_sasl_auth_enable (no)
              Enable SASL  authentication  in  the  Postfix  SMTP

       smtpd_sasl_application_name (smtpd)
              The  application name used for SASL server initial-

       smtpd_sasl_local_domain (empty)
              The name of the local SASL authentication realm.

       smtpd_sasl_security_options (noanonymous)
              Restrict what authentication mechanisms the Postfix
              SMTP server will offer to the client.

       smtpd_sender_login_maps (empty)
              Optional  lookup  table  with  the SASL login names
              that own sender (MAIL FROM) addresses.

       Available in Postfix version 2.1 and later:

       smtpd_sasl_exceptions_networks (empty)
              What SMTP clients Postfix will not offer AUTH  sup-
              port to.

       Detailed  information  about STARTTLS configuration may be
       found in the TLS_README document.

       smtpd_use_tls (no)
              Opportunistic mode: announce  STARTTLS  support  to
              SMTP  clients,  but do not require that clients use
              TLS encryption.

       smtpd_enforce_tls (no)
              Enforcement mode: announce STARTTLS support to SMTP
              clients,  and  require that clients use TLS encryp-

       smtpd_sasl_tls_security_options         ($smtpd_sasl_secu-
              The SASL authentication security options  that  the
              Postfix  SMTP  server  uses  for TLS encrypted SMTP

       smtpd_starttls_timeout (300s)
              The time limit for Postfix SMTP  server  write  and
              read  operations  during  TLS  startup and shutdown
              handshake procedures.

       smtpd_tls_CAfile (empty)
              The file with the certificate of the  certification
              authority  (CA) that issued the Postfix SMTP server

       smtpd_tls_CAfile (empty)
              The file with the certificate of the  certification
              authority  (CA) that issued the Postfix SMTP server

       smtpd_tls_ask_ccert (no)
              Ask a remote SMTP client for a client  certificate.

       smtpd_tls_auth_only (no)
              When TLS encryption is optional in the Postfix SMTP
              server, do not announce or accept SASL  authentica-
              tion over unencrypted connections.

       smtpd_tls_ccert_verifydepth (5)
              The  verification depth for remote SMTP client cer-

       smtpd_tls_cert_file (empty)
              File with the Postfix SMTP server  RSA  certificate
              in PEM format.

       smtpd_tls_cipherlist (empty)
              Controls  the Postfix SMTP server TLS cipher selec-
              tion scheme.

       smtpd_tls_dcert_file (empty)
              File with the Postfix SMTP server  DSA  certificate
              in PEM format.

       smtpd_tls_dh1024_param_file (empty)
              File  with  DH  parameters  that  the  Postfix SMTP
              server should use with EDH ciphers.

       smtpd_tls_dh512_param_file (empty)
              File with  DH  parameters  that  the  Postfix  SMTP
              server should use with EDH ciphers.

       smtpd_tls_dkey_file ($smtpd_tls_dcert_file)
              File  with  the Postfix SMTP server DSA private key
              in PEM format.

       smtpd_tls_key_file ($smtpd_tls_cert_file)
              File with the Postfix SMTP server RSA  private  key
              in PEM format.

       smtpd_tls_loglevel (0)
              Enable  additional  Postfix  SMTP server logging of
              TLS activity.

       smtpd_tls_received_header (no)
              Request  that  the  Postfix  SMTP  server  produces
              Received:  message headers that include information
              about the protocol and cipher used, as well as  the
              client  CommonName  and  client  certificate issuer

       smtpd_tls_req_ccert (no)
              When TLS encryption is enforced, require  a  remote
              SMTP  client certificate in order to allow TLS con-
              nections to proceed.

       smtpd_tls_session_cache_database (empty)
              Name of the file containing  the  optional  Postfix
              SMTP server TLS session cache.

       smtpd_tls_session_cache_timeout (3600s)
              The expiration time of Postfix SMTP server TLS ses-
              sion cache information.

       smtpd_tls_wrappermode (no)
              Run the Postfix SMTP  server  in  the  non-standard
              "wrapper"  mode, instead of using the STARTTLS com-

       tls_daemon_random_bytes (32)
              The number of pseudo-random bytes that  an  smtp(8)
              or  smtpd(8)  process  requests  from the tlsmgr(8)
              server in order to seed its internal pseudo  random
              number generator (PRNG).

       With  VERP  style  delivery,  each  recipient of a message
       receives a customized copy of the message with his/her own
       recipient  address encoded in the envelope sender address.
       The VERP_README file describes configuration and operation
       details  of  Postfix  support for variable envelope return
       path addresses.  VERP style delivery is requested with the
       SMTP  XVERP command or with the "sendmail -V" command-line
       option and is available in Postfix version 1.1 and  later.

       default_verp_delimiters (+=)
              The two default VERP delimiter characters.

       verp_delimiter_filter (-=+)
              The  characters  Postfix  accepts as VERP delimiter
              characters on the Postfix sendmail(1) command  line
              and in SMTP commands.

       Available in Postfix version 1.1 and 2.0:

       authorized_verp_clients ($mynetworks)
              What  SMTP clients are allowed to specify the XVERP

       Available in Postfix version 2.1 and later:

       smtpd_authorized_verp_clients ($authorized_verp_clients)
              What SMTP clients are allowed to specify the  XVERP

       The  DEBUG_README document describes how to debug parts of
       the Postfix mail system. The methods vary from making  the
       software  log a lot of detail, to running some daemon pro-
       cesses under control of a call tracer or debugger.

       debug_peer_level (2)
              The increment  in  verbose  logging  level  when  a
              remote  client  or  server matches a pattern in the
              debug_peer_list parameter.

       debug_peer_list (empty)
              Optional list of remote client or  server  hostname
              or  network address patterns that cause the verbose
              logging level to increase by the  amount  specified
              in $debug_peer_level.

       error_notice_recipient (postmaster)
              The  recipient  of  postmaster  notifications about
              mail delivery problems that are caused  by  policy,
              resource, software or protocol errors.

       notify_classes (resource, software)
              The  list of error classes that are reported to the

       soft_bounce (no)
              Safety net to keep mail queued that would otherwise
              be returned to the sender.

       Available in Postfix version 2.1 and later:

       smtpd_authorized_xclient_hosts (empty)
              What  SMTP  clients  are allowed to use the XCLIENT

       As of Postfix version 2.0, the SMTP  server  rejects  mail
       for  unknown recipients. This prevents the mail queue from
       clogging up  with  undeliverable  MAILER-DAEMON  messages.
       Additional   information   on   this   topic   is  in  the

       show_user_unknown_table_name (yes)
              Display  the  name  of  the  recipient table in the
              "User unknown" responses.

       canonical_maps (empty)
              Optional address mapping lookup tables for  message
              headers and envelopes.

       recipient_canonical_maps (empty)
              Optional address mapping lookup tables for envelope
              and header recipient addresses.

       Parameters concerning known/unknown local recipients:

       mydestination  ($myhostname,  localhost.$mydomain,  local-
              The list of domains  that  are  delivered  via  the
              $local_transport mail delivery transport.

       inet_interfaces (all)
              The network interface addresses that this mail sys-
              tem receives mail on.

       proxy_interfaces (empty)
              The network interface addresses that this mail sys-
              tem  receives  mail on by way of a proxy or network
              address translation unit.

       inet_protocols (ipv4)
              The Internet protocols Postfix will attempt to  use
              when making or accepting connections.

       local_recipient_maps             (proxy:unix:passwd.byname
              Lookup  tables with all names or addresses of local
              recipients: a recipient address is local  when  its
              domain  matches $mydestination, $inet_interfaces or

       unknown_local_recipient_reject_code (550)
              The numerical Postfix  SMTP  server  response  code
              when    a   recipient   address   is   local,   and
              $local_recipient_maps specifies a  list  of  lookup
              tables that does not match the recipient.

       Parameters  concerning  known/unknown  recipients of relay

       relay_domains ($mydestination)
              What destination domains (and  subdomains  thereof)
              this system will relay mail to.

       relay_recipient_maps (empty)
              Optional  lookup tables with all valid addresses in
              the domains that match $relay_domains.

       unknown_relay_recipient_reject_code (550)
              The numerical Postfix SMTP server reply code when a
              recipient   address   matches  $relay_domains,  and
              relay_recipient_maps specifies  a  list  of  lookup
              tables that does not match the recipient address.

       Parameters  concerning known/unknown recipients in virtual
       alias domains:

       virtual_alias_domains ($virtual_alias_maps)
              Postfix is final destination for the specified list
              of  virtual  alias  domains,  that  is, domains for
              which all addresses are  aliased  to  addresses  in
              other local or remote domains.

       virtual_alias_maps ($virtual_maps)
              Optional  lookup  tables  that  alias specific mail
              addresses or  domains  to  other  local  or  remote

       unknown_virtual_alias_reject_code (550)
              The SMTP server reply code when a recipient address
              matches    $virtual_alias_domains,    and     $vir-
              tual_alias_maps  specifies  a list of lookup tables
              that does not match the recipient address.

       Parameters concerning known/unknown recipients in  virtual
       mailbox domains:

       virtual_mailbox_domains ($virtual_mailbox_maps)
              Postfix is final destination for the specified list
              of  domains;  mail  is  delivered  via  the   $vir-
              tual_transport mail delivery transport.

       virtual_mailbox_maps (empty)
              Optional  lookup tables with all valid addresses in
              the domains that match $virtual_mailbox_domains.

       unknown_virtual_mailbox_reject_code (550)
              The SMTP server reply code when a recipient address
              matches    $virtual_mailbox_domains,    and   $vir-
              tual_mailbox_maps specifies a list of lookup tables
              that does not match the recipient address.

       The  following parameters limit resource usage by the SMTP
       server and/or control client request rates.

       line_length_limit (2048)
              Upon input, long lines are chopped up  into  pieces
              of  at  most this length; upon delivery, long lines
              are reconstructed.

       queue_minfree (0)
              The minimal amount of free space in  bytes  in  the
              queue file system that is needed to receive mail.

       message_size_limit (10240000)
              The  maximal  size in bytes of a message, including
              envelope information.

       smtpd_recipient_limit (1000)
              The maximal number of recipients that  the  Postfix
              SMTP server accepts per message delivery request.

       smtpd_timeout (300s)
              The  time  limit  for sending a Postfix SMTP server
              response and for receiving  a  remote  SMTP  client

       smtpd_history_flush_threshold (100)
              The  maximal  number  of  lines in the Postfix SMTP
              server command history before it  is  flushed  upon
              receipt of EHLO, RSET, or end of DATA.

       The per SMTP client connection count and request rate lim-
       its are implemented in co-operation with the anvil(8) ser-
       vice,  and are available in Postfix version 2.2 and later.

       smtpd_client_connection_count_limit (50)
              How many simultaneous  connections  any  client  is
              allowed to make to this service.

       smtpd_client_connection_rate_limit (0)
              The  maximal  number  of  connection  attempts  any
              client is allowed to make to this service per  time

       smtpd_client_message_rate_limit (0)
              The  maximal  number  of  message delivery requests
              that any client is allowed to make to this  service
              per time unit, regardless of whether or not Postfix
              actually accepts those messages.

       smtpd_client_recipient_rate_limit (0)
              The maximal number of recipient addresses that  any
              client  is allowed to send to this service per time
              unit, regardless of whether or not Postfix actually
              accepts those recipients.

       smtpd_client_event_limit_exceptions ($mynetworks)
              Clients  that  are  excluded from connection count,
              connection rate, or SMTP request rate restrictions.

       When  a  remote SMTP client makes errors, the Postfix SMTP
       server can insert delays before responding. This can  help
       to  slow  down  run-away  software.   The behavior is con-
       trolled by an error counter  that  counts  the  number  of
       errors  within an SMTP session that a client makes without
       delivering mail.

       smtpd_error_sleep_time (1s)
              With  Postfix  2.1  and  later:  the  SMTP   server
              response  delay  after  a client has made more than
              $smtpd_soft_error_limit  errors,  and  fewer   than
              $smtpd_hard_error_limit  errors, without delivering

       smtpd_soft_error_limit (10)
              The number  of  errors  a  remote  SMTP  client  is
              allowed  to make without delivering mail before the
              Postfix SMTP server slows down all its responses.

       smtpd_hard_error_limit (20)
              The maximal number of errors a remote  SMTP  client
              is allowed to make without delivering mail.

       smtpd_junk_command_limit (100)
              The  number  of  junk commands (NOOP, VRFY, ETRN or
              RSET) that a remote SMTP client can send before the
              Postfix  SMTP  server starts to increment the error
              counter with each junk command.

       Available in Postfix version 2.1 and later:

       smtpd_recipient_overshoot_limit (1000)
              The number of recipients that a remote SMTP  client
              can  send  in  excess  of  the limit specified with
              $smtpd_recipient_limit,  before  the  Postfix  SMTP
              server  increments  the per-session error count for
              each excess recipient.

       As of version 2.1, Postfix can be configured  to  delegate
       access  policy  decisions  to an external server that runs
       outside Postfix.  See  the  file  SMTPD_POLICY_README  for
       more information.

       smtpd_policy_service_max_idle (300s)
              The  time  after which an idle SMTPD policy service
              connection is closed.

       smtpd_policy_service_max_ttl (1000s)
              The time after which an active SMTPD policy service
              connection is closed.

       smtpd_policy_service_timeout (100s)
              The  time  limit  for  connecting to, writing to or
              receiving from a delegated SMTPD policy server.

       The SMTPD_ACCESS_README document gives an introduction  to
       all the SMTP server access control features.

       smtpd_delay_reject (yes)
              Wait  until  the  RCPT TO command before evaluating
              $smtpd_client_restrictions,    $smtpd_helo_restric-
              tions and $smtpd_sender_restrictions, or wait until
              the     ETRN     command     before      evaluating
              $smtpd_client_restrictions and $smtpd_helo_restric-

       parent_domain_matches_subdomains (see 'postconf  -d'  out-
              What   Postfix   features   match   subdomains   of
              "domain.tld" automatically, instead of requiring an
              explicit ".domain.tld" pattern.

       smtpd_client_restrictions (empty)
              Optional SMTP server  access  restrictions  in  the
              context of a client SMTP connection request.

       smtpd_helo_required (no)
              Require that a remote SMTP client introduces itself
              at the beginning of an SMTP session with  the  HELO
              or EHLO command.

       smtpd_helo_restrictions (empty)
              Optional  restrictions that the Postfix SMTP server
              applies in the context of the SMTP HELO command.

       smtpd_sender_restrictions (empty)
              Optional restrictions that the Postfix SMTP  server
              applies in the context of the MAIL FROM command.

       smtpd_recipient_restrictions           (permit_mynetworks,
              The  access  restrictions  that  the  Postfix  SMTP
              server applies in the context of the RCPT  TO  com-

       smtpd_etrn_restrictions (empty)
              Optional  SMTP  server  access  restrictions in the
              context of a client ETRN request.

       allow_untrusted_routing (no)
              Forward   mail   with   sender-specified    routing
              (user[@%!]remote[@%!]site)  from  untrusted clients
              to destinations matching $relay_domains.

       smtpd_restriction_classes (empty)
              User-defined aliases for groups of access  restric-

       smtpd_null_access_lookup_key (<>)
              The  lookup key to be used in SMTP access(5) tables
              instead of the null sender address.

       permit_mx_backup_networks (empty)
              Restrict  the  use  of  the  permit_mx_backup  SMTP
              access  feature  to  only  domains whose primary MX
              hosts match the listed networks.

       Available in Postfix version 2.0 and later:

       smtpd_data_restrictions (empty)
              Optional access restrictions that the Postfix  SMTP
              server applies in the context of the SMTP DATA com-

       smtpd_expansion_filter (see 'postconf -d' output)
              What characters are allowed in $name expansions  of
              RBL reply templates.

       Available in Postfix version 2.1 and later:

       smtpd_reject_unlisted_sender (no)
              Request  that  the Postfix SMTP server rejects mail
              from  unknown  sender  addresses,  even   when   no
              explicit  reject_unlisted_sender access restriction
              is specified.

       smtpd_reject_unlisted_recipient (yes)
              Request that the Postfix SMTP server  rejects  mail
              for  unknown  recipient  addresses,  even  when  no
              explicit reject_unlisted_recipient access  restric-
              tion is specified.

       Available in Postfix version 2.2 and later:

       smtpd_end_of_data_restrictions (empty)
              Optional  access restrictions that the Postfix SMTP
              server applies in the context of the  SMTP  END-OF-
              DATA command.

       Postfix   version  2.1  introduces  sender  and  recipient
       address verification.   This  feature  is  implemented  by
       sending  probe email messages that are not actually deliv-
       ered.  This feature is requested  via  the  reject_unveri-
       fied_sender    and    reject_unverified_recipient   access
       restrictions.  The status of verification probes is  main-
       tained by the verify(8) server.  See the file ADDRESS_VER-
       IFICATION_README for information about  how  to  configure
       and operate the Postfix sender/recipient address verifica-
       tion service.

       address_verify_poll_count (3)
              How many times to query the verify(8)  service  for
              the  completion  of an address verification request
              in progress.

       address_verify_poll_delay (3s)
              The delay between queries for the completion of  an
              address verification request in progress.

       address_verify_sender (postmaster)
              The  sender  address to use in address verification

       unverified_sender_reject_code (450)
              The numerical Postfix  SMTP  server  response  code
              when   a  recipient  address  is  rejected  by  the
              reject_unverified_sender restriction.

       unverified_recipient_reject_code (450)
              The numerical Postfix SMTP server response  when  a
              recipient address is rejected by the reject_unveri-
              fied_recipient restriction.

       The following  parameters  control  numerical  SMTP  reply
       codes and/or text responses.

       access_map_reject_code (554)
              The  numerical  Postfix  SMTP  server response code
              when a client  is  rejected  by  an  access(5)  map

       defer_code (450)
              The  numerical  Postfix  SMTP  server response code
              when a remote SMTP client request  is  rejected  by
              the "defer" restriction.

       invalid_hostname_reject_code (501)
              The  numerical  Postfix  SMTP  server response code
              when the client HELO or EHLO command  parameter  is
              rejected  by  the  reject_invalid_hostname restric-

       maps_rbl_reject_code (554)
              The numerical Postfix  SMTP  server  response  code
              when a remote SMTP client request is blocked by the
              reject_rbl_client,             reject_rhsbl_client,
              reject_rhsbl_sender    or    reject_rhsbl_recipient

       non_fqdn_reject_code (504)
              The numerical Postfix SMTP server reply code when a
              client     request     is     rejected    by    the
              reject_non_fqdn_hostname, reject_non_fqdn_sender or
              reject_non_fqdn_recipient restriction.

       reject_code (554)
              The  numerical  Postfix  SMTP  server response code
              when a remote SMTP client request  is  rejected  by
              the "reject" restriction.

       relay_domains_reject_code (554)
              The  numerical  Postfix  SMTP  server response code
              when  a  client  request   is   rejected   by   the
              reject_unauth_destination recipient restriction.

       unknown_address_reject_code (450)
              The  numerical  Postfix  SMTP  server response code
              when a sender or recipient address is  rejected  by
              the         reject_unknown_sender_domain         or
              reject_unknown_recipient_domain restriction.

       unknown_client_reject_code (450)
              The numerical Postfix  SMTP  server  response  code
              when  a  client without valid address <=> name map-
              ping  is  rejected  by  the   reject_unknown_client

       unknown_hostname_reject_code (450)
              The  numerical  Postfix  SMTP  server response code
              when the hostname specified with the HELO  or  EHLO
              command  is rejected by the reject_unknown_hostname

       Available in Postfix version 2.0 and later:

       default_rbl_reply (see 'postconf -d' output)
              The default SMTP server  response  template  for  a
              request  that  is rejected by an RBL-based restric-

       multi_recipient_bounce_reject_code (550)
              The numerical Postfix  SMTP  server  response  code
              when a remote SMTP client request is blocked by the
              reject_multi_recipient_bounce restriction.

       rbl_reply_maps (empty)
              Optional lookup tables with RBL response templates.

       config_directory (see 'postconf -d' output)
              The  default  location  of  the Postfix and
     configuration files.

       daemon_timeout (18000s)
              How much time a Postfix daemon process may take  to
              handle  a  request  before  it  is  terminated by a
              built-in watchdog timer.

       command_directory (see 'postconf -d' output)
              The location of  all  postfix  administrative  com-

       double_bounce_sender (double-bounce)
              The sender address of postmaster notifications that
              are generated by the mail system.

       ipc_timeout (3600s)
              The time limit for sending or receiving information
              over an internal communication channel.

       mail_name (Postfix)
              The mail system name that is displayed in Received:
              headers,  in  the  SMTP  greeting  banner,  and  in
              bounced mail.

       mail_owner (postfix)
              The UNIX system account that owns the Postfix queue
              and most Postfix daemon processes.

       max_idle (100s)
              The maximum amount of time  that  an  idle  Postfix
              daemon  process  waits for the next service request
              before exiting.

       max_use (100)
              The maximal number of connection requests before  a
              Postfix daemon process terminates.

       myhostname (see 'postconf -d' output)
              The internet hostname of this mail system.

       mynetworks (see 'postconf -d' output)
              The  list  of "trusted" SMTP clients that have more
              privileges than "strangers".

       myorigin ($myhostname)
              The domain name that locally-posted mail appears to
              come  from,  and that locally posted mail is deliv-
              ered to.

       process_id (read-only)
              The process ID  of  a  Postfix  command  or  daemon

       process_name (read-only)
              The  process  name  of  a Postfix command or daemon

       queue_directory (see 'postconf -d' output)
              The location of the Postfix top-level queue  direc-

       recipient_delimiter (empty)
              The separator between user names and address exten-
              sions (user+foo).

       smtpd_banner ($myhostname ESMTP $mail_name)
              The text that follows the 220 status  code  in  the
              SMTP greeting banner.

       syslog_facility (mail)
              The syslog facility of Postfix logging.

       syslog_name (postfix)
              The  mail  system  name  that  is  prepended to the
              process name in syslog  records,  so  that  "smtpd"
              becomes, for example, "postfix/smtpd".

       Available in Postfix version 2.2 and later:

       smtpd_forbidden_commands (CONNECT, GET, POST)
              List  of  commands  that  causes  the  Postfix SMTP
              server to immediately terminate the session with  a
              221 code.

       anvil(8), connection/rate limiting
       cleanup(8), message canonicalization
       tlsmgr(8), TLS session and PRNG management
       trivial-rewrite(8), address resolver
       verify(8), address verification service
       postconf(5), configuration parameters
       master(5), generic daemon options
       master(8), process manager
       syslogd(8), system logging

       ADDRESS_CLASS_README, blocking unknown hosted or relay recipients
       ADDRESS_REWRITING_README Postfix address manipulation
       FILTER_README, external after-queue content filter
       LOCAL_RECIPIENT_README, blocking unknown local recipients
       SMTPD_ACCESS_README, built-in access policies
       SMTPD_POLICY_README, external policy server
       SMTPD_PROXY_README, external before-queue content filter
       SASL_README, Postfix SASL howto
       TLS_README, Postfix STARTTLS howto
       VERP_README, Postfix XVERP extension
       XCLIENT_README, Postfix XCLIENT extension
       XFORWARD_README, Postfix XFORWARD extension

       The Secure Mailer license must be  distributed  with  this

       Wietse Venema
       IBM T.J. Watson Research
       P.O. Box 704
       Yorktown Heights, NY 10598, USA

       TLS support originally by:
       Lutz Jaenicke
       BTU Cottbus
       Allgemeine Elektrotechnik
       Universitaetsplatz 3-4
       D-03044 Cottbus, Germany
